Now bringing unlimited CPUs.
Today we are pleased to announce that we'll be upgrading all hosting plans to have unlimited fair-use* CPU. This applies for both new & existing hostings, on any tier and purchase duration.
The price of all plans will stay the same.
This should greatly improve the performance of your servers, namely when running npm install.
Existing servers will be upgraded to unlimited CPU within a few days of posting, and new servers already are.
* - Fair-use CPU is defined as having only short-period bursts of high CPU usage rather than it being continuous or prolonged (which is normal for Discord bots). We reserve the right to shut down servers without provided reason - and without refunds - if the user is found attempting to abuse the unlimited CPU.
While we are of good faith that nobody will, these rules are required to keep everything fair. Please do not attempt abuse, as trying to can only end bad for you and the global public.
Thanks and have a great day!
NorteX of Light Services